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Guardianship is the process of having some designated to care for a loved one through the Court system. Becoming a guardian is a huge responsibility and the Court appointed guardian will be required to answer to the Court regarding the care of the ward (the incapacitated person) or minor child. 

We strive to work with the family in order to make the process as easy as possible on the person in need of a guardian. If the family cannot agree as to who should serve as the guardian we believe in presenting the Court with the family member who is qualified and will take the time and effort to do the job properly. 

We know all the ins and outs of guardianship and we always strive to make the process a smooth transition for the person in need of guardianship. 

To learn more or to set up a consultation: Click Here

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Waldron & Keene, P.A. is committed to answering your questions about Estate and Probate law issues in Florida. We'll gladly discuss your case with you at your convenience. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.
